Ми цінуємо вашу думку. Залишіть відгук про те, як відбувається навчання.
Качай свої speaking skills
Обговорюй цікаві теми у невеликих групах за рівнями — і дивися, як зникає страх говорити.
vocabulary 4/5
grammar 2/5
listening 5/5
speaking 5/5
writing 1/5
#Speaking: Що ви можете з цим зробити
Discussion: What Can You Do With It (A1)

#Speaking: Давай пограємо!
Discussion: 30-Second Sell (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Studying Alone vs. Studying in a group – Which is more effective? (A2)

#Speaking: Знайди 3 нелогічні речі
Discussion: Find 3 Illogical Things (A2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Should children be allowed to use smartphones? (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Is it ethical to use animals for medical research? (B2)

#Speaking: Відповідаємо на питання
Discussion: Mind-blowing questions (B2)

#Reading: Пригоди Тома Сойєра
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (A1+)

#Speaking: Назви 2 плюси і 2 мінуси
Discussion: Name 2 Pros and 2 Cons (conversation cards) (A2)

#Speaking: Назад в майбутнє
ED Class: May do, can do, might do, could do (A2)

#Speaking: Співвідносити несумісне
Discussion: Relate Unrelatable 2.0 (B1)

#Speaking: Сива давнина
ED Class: Verb do. I did (A1)

#Vocabulary: Відчуття
Let's quiz: This Food Smells Great (A1)

#Speaking: Людина людині друг?
ED Class: If I do... / If I did (B1)

#Speaking: Назад в майбутнє
ED Class: May do, can do, might do, could do (A2)

#Listening: Юлія і Джулія
Movie club: Julie & Julia (A2+)

#Speaking: Сила краси
ED Class: It is considered to be (B2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Studying Alone vs. Studying in a group – Which is more effective? (A2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Should children be allowed to use smartphones? (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Is it ethical to use animals for medical research? (B2)

#Speaking: Сенсаційні новини
ED Class: Noun clauses (C1)

#Speaking: Рекомендації щодо здоров'я
ED Class: You should… You mustn’t… (A2)

#Speaking: Виклик прийнято!
ED Class: If I had done... I would have done (B1)

#Speaking: Винаходи і винахідники
ED Class: Did you do? (A1)

#Speaking: Цілком таємно
ED Class: Past Modals (B2)

#Speaking: Діячі мистецтв
ED Class: Conjunctions and connectors (C1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Living in an Apartment vs. a House – What’s more comfortable? (A2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Is it better to spend holidays traveling or staying at home? (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Are reality TV shows harmful to society? (B2)

#Pronunciation: Однакові чи різні звуки?
Same or Different? (A1)

#Speaking: Як погодка?
ED Class: Verb be. It will be (A1)

#Vocabulary: Повсякденна рутина
Let's quiz: Daily Routine (A1)

#Vocabulary: Розміри та розташування
Idioms: Size and position, page 54

#Speaking: Куди йдеш?
ED Class: Modals review (A2)

#Listening: Барбі
Movie club: Barbie (B2+)

#Speaking: Все в твоїх руках
ED Class: Modals overview (B2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Living in an Apartment vs. a House – What’s more comfortable? (A2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Is it better to spend holidays traveling or staying at home? (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Are reality TV shows harmful to society? (B2)

#Speaking: Індустрія моди
ED Class: The passive (C1)

#Speaking: У мене є мрія
ED Class: I will have and I will not have (A1)

#Speaking: Про довіру
ED Class: I have done (A2)

#Speaking: Що там на роботі?
He said that … (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Living in an Apartment vs. a House – What’s more comfortable? (A2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Is it better to spend holidays traveling or staying at home? (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Are reality TV shows harmful to society? (B2)

#Listening: Корона
Movie club: The Crown (B1+)

#GrammarHub: Present Simple & Present Progressive
Practice: Present Simple Present Progressive (A1)

#Writing: Меседжі для планування
Write it up: Messaging to make plans (A2+)

#Speaking: Сенсаційні новини
ED Class: Noun clauses (C1)

#Speaking: Що там на роботі?
He said that … (B1)

#GrammarHub: Активний чи пасивний стан?
Let's quiz: Voice challenge. Active or Passive? (B1+)

#Speaking: Тільки вперед!
ED Class: Articles (B2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Living in an Apartment vs. a House – What’s more comfortable? (A2)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Is it better to spend holidays traveling or staying at home? (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Are reality TV shows harmful to society? (B2)

#Speaking: Епоха супермаркетів
ED Class: Reporting (C1)

#Speaking: Незвичайні свята
Discussion: Unusual Holidays Speaking Fun (A2)

#Speaking: Закінчіть речення
Discussion: Finish The Sentence Without Thinking (A1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Reading a Paper Book vs. an E-Book – Which do you prefer? (A2)

#GrammarHub: Present Continuous
Practice: Present Continuous (A1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Should school teach more practical skills like cooking or taxes? (B1)

#Coffee talk (15 min)
Is space exploration worth the cost? (B2)

#Speaking: Що вибереш ти?
Spring Would you rather questions (A2)

#Speaking: Знання – сила
ED Class: Will you have? - Yes, I will (A1)

#Speaking: Як би ти використав цю суперсилу?
Discussion: How Would You Use This Superpower (B2)

#Speaking: Скажи те, що думаєш
ED Class: They asked if… They said to... (B1)

#Speaking: Музика навколо нас
ED Class: I have done vs I did (A2)

#Speaking: Говоріть протягом 2 хвилин
Discussion: Talk For 2 Minutes About (A1)

#Listening: Любов – це наркотик
Listen&Learn: Love is a Drug (B1+)

#Speaking: Що є поїсти?
ED Class: Quantifiers (B2)

#Reading: Я, робот
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov (A2+)

#Speaking: Кредитки приймаєте?
ED Class: Substitution and ellipsis (C1)

#Speaking: Скажи те, що думаєш
ED Class: They asked if… They said to... (B1)

#Speaking: Музика навколо нас
ED Class: I have done vs I did (A2)

Почни займатися просто зараз
Практикуй розмовну англійську та знаходь нових друзів
Підписка закінчується через
Як почати займатися?
Вивчи інструкцію, щоб підготуватися до занять