Ми цінуємо вашу думку. Залишіть відгук про те, як відбувається навчання.
Відвідай розмовний урок і обговори наступні питання
- What color do you associate with the word home?
- How big is your home? Is it spacious enough for you?
- Do you prefer living in a huge posh house or a tiny cozy one? Why?
- Is it easy-peasy to buy or sell an apartment in your country?
- What object in your home can’t you definitely live without?
- How often do you redecorate your house? Do you enjoy it?
- Is your home clean? Are you a very organized person?
- Do you have a lot of decorations in your home or is it bare?
- Do you agree with the saying: “Wherever I lay my head is home”?
- Are you happy with the size of your home?