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varyagorobets2 роки
1. I usually get stressed instantly and feel like I don't remember anything I have learned for the exam 2. I just try to focus on breathe and get rid of all the negative thoughts that are in my mind 3. I think it really works and everyone should really try this method to calm
Alexander2 роки
make subtitles
juliya4 роки
1) I usually feel stressed. 2) I just do what I need to do and forget about stress. 3) It really can help you to feel the confidence.
Елена4 роки
1) I’m Fully agree with her words, our pose really impacts on our feeling. 2) usually I feel myself confident on an interview and the main secret is to be yourself. 3) I do believe you should training for an interview in advance.
sputilin4 роки
1. I am not experienced in job interviews 2.Breathe deeply 3. It's a good idea
Anastasia Ir5 років
1. Sometimes I feel stressed when I am on a test or at the interview 2. For calming myself I try to think in a positive way. 3. I think power poses work.
ngrischenko6 років
1I always feel nervous and excited when I am on a test or at the interview. 2 When I want to calm myself down I try to think of the time when the test is over or I drink water or look at the sky in the window. 3 I agree that the power pose may help after some practice. If people do research works on the subject and prove the fact, why not try this idea next time.
Дмитрий6 років
1)it depepend from situation: sometimes i feel powerful inside, sometimes feel so weak, and can't explane why
2) i told to myself positive phrases and try to relax
3) i think it is truly , and can make your interview better
coutvv7 років
1. It's all stressful events and of course I am nervous. 2. I do my special exercises to warm up body like speaking R, whiping one's chick and yawning. 3. I agree with lector. The body lead the mind and vice versa. We should use it for our purposes.
EnglishDom Team7 років
Do you really whip someone's cheek, Coutvv? That's... kind of rude, isn't it? 1. These are all ... 3. ... with the lector. ... leads ...
Александра7 років
I'm a little bit nervous and try to overcome my own barriers, but i don't know how come i can't cope with it. i sigh deeply and exhale. It is not so useful as you think, at least for me.
Виктор7 років
В этом предложении (the way you stand)только один раз,когда ведучая говорит (the way you stand)два раза
andwhale7 років
...it impacts how will you do on your test... It's not a question so the structure of the sentence is not correct. The lady constructed it properly though.
EnglishDom Team7 років
andwhale, you are right, it's fixed) Have a wonderful day!
yaroslavnaz8 років
I am very nervous before any exams or interview. I got cold feet. Only pills and my mother'a prayer can calm me down. And I do believe in power of poses.
EnglishDom Team8 років
yaroslavnaz, thanks for your answer!
Олег8 років
Where is english for sailor's?
EnglishDom Team8 років
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