Ми цінуємо вашу думку. Залишіть відгук про те, як відбувається навчання.
У тебе залишилася незавершена покупка:
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Відвідай розмовний урок і обговори наступні питання
- Can you always learn something from movies? If yes, could you give some examples?
- Were there any cases when you didn't understand the film? What genre of movie was that?
- What movies do you recommend to your friends?
- If you had a chance to talk to any screenwriter, who would you talk to and why?
- What movie characters can make you angry?
- Is there any movie character you would like to be friends with? Why?
- Do you cry when you watch sad films? What was the last film that made you cry? Why?
- Do you think all comedies are funny? What was the last film you saw that made you laugh hard?
- Do you think that different cultures have a different sense of humour?
- Do you download films or TV series from the Internet? What do you think of this practice?