Ми цінуємо вашу думку. Залишіть відгук про те, як відбувається навчання.
Відвідай розмовний урок і обговори наступні питання
- How would you differentiate talent and skill?
- What do you think are the talents which we are born with? Why?
- How important do you think are talents and skills in becoming successful?
- What will happen if no one has any talents or skills?
- Which is more attractive for you, a talented or beautiful person? Why?
- What are the things that you think you are good at?
- Can very intelligent children be born to parents who are not very intelligent?
- What separates a person from being very intelligent and being a genius?
- Do you think that we can create artificial intelligence?
- Very intelligent people are often not very good at being social, why do you think this is?