Ми цінуємо вашу думку. Залишіть відгук про те, як відбувається навчання.
Відвідай розмовний урок і обговори наступні питання
- Do you think that different cultures have different standards of beauty?
- What makes someone beautiful?
- Do you think the beauty industry is important?
- Have you ever considered the idea of having plastic surgery to improve your look?
- How would you define beauty, using your own words?
- What are some advantages / disadvantages of being beautiful?
- How many different adjectives can you think of to describe a beautiful woman or a handsome man?
- Is the appearance of your partner important for you?
- Do we think less of people if they wear old-fashioned clothes and have untidy hair?
- What is your opinion of beauty competitions like Miss World and Miss Universe?