Ми цінуємо вашу думку. Залишіть відгук про те, як відбувається навчання.
Ми цінуємо вашу думку. Залишіть відгук про те, як відбувається навчання.
Englishdom використовує файли cookie відповідно до налаштувань твого браузера. Деталі тут: Політика сookies і Політика конфіденційності.
Ярошенко9 місяців
субтитры не работают
Мария4 роки
1. My favourite songs are "All i want for Cristmas is you" and "Last Cristmas i gave you my heart".
2. I want get for new year a tour to Dominicana.
3/ I want go to celebrate to my friend and we sit at the table with her parents.
Михаил4 роки
Oh, this song is wonderful! I very like Christmas!
pavlenkosofia4 роки
My favourite New Year song is “Last Christmas”.It reminds me of my childhood!
Ирина5 років
1. My favorite New year song is Let it snow. I can't imagine the holiday without this song. 2. I have several wishes but it's a secret. 3. I'm going to celebrate it at home with my family.
marinabel5 років
1. My favourite New Year song is “Last Christmas”. 2. I would like many sweets, chocolates and cakes as a present for New Year. 3. I want to celebrate New Year at home with my mother and grandmother, and my dog!
marinabel5 років
1. My favourite New Year song is “Last Christmas”. 2. I would like many sweets, chocolates and cakes as a present for New Year. 3. I want to celebrate New Year at home with my mother and grandmother, and my dog!